Monday, December 8, 2014

He Answers

     Last week, Keisha started our one-on-one by going deep immediately.  We sat down and she said, "So, Katie, tell me why God loves you."
     I stammered out some sort of answer, but long after our time was over, I was thinking about it. I had struggled to answer. And it bothered me that I didn't have an answer for that question.
     That same evening, Kayla needed to go to an atm, so Anna, Annika, Kari, and I accompanied her. After, even though it was 9:30 at night, we went to McDonald's and just hung out, doing homework. I sat by the fireplace (it was a very nice McDonalds!) and asked God that question. "God, why do you love me?"
     Rather than going straight to what God said,  I feel like He wants me to first type up my written prayer to Him.
     "Papa God,
     You are good. You are true. You are life. You are love.
     You love me. For me. Nothing I do -or don't do- can EVER affect that love You have for me, because Your love is unconditional. I may still be coming to a realization of Your love for me, God, but I really am beginning to see the truth. You love me so much more than I ever imagined!
     Thank you for loving me so much, Father, and so unconditionally. I know You do, and its amazing and wonderful! I love You back, Lord, as much as I am able. I don't know how to love very well. But I'm working on it, God, if You'll help me. Because I really, really want to learn how to truly love, both You and people, but especially You.
     I have to know, though, God. Please answer me! Why? Why do You love me? I mean, I get that You are my creator; You love me because You created me. And You're my Father, so You love me cause I'm Your daughter. So You love me cause You have to. But there is more to it, God! I know that You don't just love me because You have to! But why do You love me? I want to know- I need to know!"
     So after I prayed that, I waited on what God would say to me. I knew He would respond, and He did. He started to tell me some of the reasons why He loves me. I know that what He has told me isn't all of it... He loves me for so much more than this.  But these are just a few of the reasons He loves me so much.
     I'm not going to go into detail about what God told me about why He loves me. Honestly, I'm still processing it with Him. But I'll just write a couple of the things down. This is what He said:
     -"You are quiet". This one actually made me laugh and think of the response some of you would have to this statement . But I understand what God means when He said this, so that's what matters! And it's not about being quiet in everyday life!
     -"Your willingness"
     -"Your tender heart"
     -"Your laughter and smiles"
     There was more, but that doesn't really matter. The point is, I had a genuine question for God, and He answered me. He loves me, and He loves all of you equally as much. It's amazing!!

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