Tuesday, July 3, 2018

I Forgot.... But God Didn't

God is so good, so faithful, and He makes me laugh.
As you might remember, I started this blog because I joined YWAM and this was my way of updating everyone back home on how things were going. During my DTS, we had a teacher who briefly mentioned ministering to prisoners, simply by writing letters to them. This struck a chord with me at the time, and I wrote "Write to prisoners" and highlighted it.
A couple months ago, I was rereading all my old DTS notes, and I came upon this notation of mine. I felt that little God-nudge as I read those highlighted words, and I knew that even though I had completely forgotten about this idea, God hadn't, and He still wanted me to do this. Now, I don't know about you, but my knowledge of the prison system is pretty much nothing, so I had no idea how to even begin figuring out HOW to write letters to prisoners. So I simply said "Okay, but HOW, God?" and then moved on.
The next morning, I was driving my aunt to work and she said "Hey Katie, do you want to hear this email I got yesterday? No... you probably don't. Oh well, I'm going to read it anyway." And she pulled it up on her phone and began to read.
The email was from a ministry called Crossroads Prison Ministries. Here's an excerpt from their website: "Crossroads Prison Ministries is a volunteer-driven ministry that offers free correspondence-based courses and resources for incarcerated men and women across Canada. Our program changes the lives of prisoners and our volunteers, but most importantly, it restores lives, prisons, and churches through the Gospel." (https://cpministries.ca/). Basically, a volunteer would receive the completed Bible study of a prisoner, go over it, and write a personal letter of encouragement to send back along with the marked study. My aunt received this email inviting her to become involved by being a mentor, as more volunteers were needed.
Dude. Literally LESS THAN TWELVE HOURS after God a) reminded me of this calling I had felt years ago, and b) I asked him how on earth to go about doing that, this happened. Like... I don't even have words. 
God is so so faithful to the things He says -even after we forget, even if it has been years, He remembers and He reminds us at just the right time. But not only that, He has such a good sense of humour about it! Like, I can't stop laughing because He is so good, and He did that SO smoothly and amazingly. He blew me away.
Although I should know by now that God can and will do anything. Really I should, after all I have seen Him do. Yet He continues to amaze me, in the best possible way.