Sunday, January 28, 2018

Free of Me

Lately, I've started to feel a little bit discontent. And I realized that it was because I have been so focused on myself, more than focused on God. So when I saw that I had the opportunity to read a book called Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller, I was pretty excited to read it. And I wasn't disappointed!
"Our me-centered culture affects every area of our lives- our relationships, calling, self-image, even our faith- and it negatively impacts each one. The self-focused life robs our joy, shrinks our souls, and is the reason we get stuck in insecurity." This is what it says on the back cover, what I read that really resonated with me and made me want to read this book.
Miller spends a good chunk of the book describing seven "mirrors", or areas of our lives that we so often make about ourselves. These are God, family, appearance, possessions, friendships, calling, and church. At first, I was afraid that, as I read and saw myself in these pages, I would feel really crappy about myself, but Miller has an excellent way of helping us become aware without seeming judgmental and critical. She shares her own personal struggles in each area, and different ways that she overcame it. At the end of each chapter, she includes a focus verse, a prayer, and discussion questions. Honestly, it would be an excellent book to read and discuss in a small group!
I enjoyed this book. Not only was it a great resource for helping to focus less on myself and more on God, but it helped me realize that I am not alone in my struggle to do so. Even if you don't feel like you are that focused on yourself, I would recommend reading this book because it can help even in the smallest way!
/***Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.***

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Dangerous Legacy

This month, I read a novel called A Dangerous Legacy by Elizabeth Camden. As soon as I saw the book as an option to review, I knew I wanted to read it. Elizabeth Camden is, in my opinion, an excellent author. 
This book was about Lucy Drake, who works as a telegraph operator for the Associated Press news agency. Lucy and her brother are involved in an ongoing legal battle with their wealthy uncle, a court case that began forty years earlier with their grandfather. When Sir Colin Beckwith arrives from England, Lucy finds an unexpected ally when he discovers her secret, and she his. 
From the beginning, this book drew me in. I wanted to know more about what had happened, and of course how it would end. Camden once again wrote an engaging story with realistic and lovable characters. I found it hard to put the book down and could have devoured it in one sitting if I had the time to do so.
At first, I wasn't sure how I would enjoy the story, since it seemed to deeply encircle Morse code, which I know very little about and honestly am not interested in. However, while telegraphs and Morse code and the media industry of that time were certainly major aspects of the book, I found that Camden had (I believe) done her research, and she well explained it in a way that made it interesting.
So, if you are searching for an engaging read, how about trying A Dangerous Legacy! 
***Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.***