Saturday, November 18, 2017

Fighting a Spiritual Battle- Armed and Dangerous

For October, I actually got to review two books. The first book I read, which I reviewed in my last post, was a novel called Deadly Proof. The other book I chose to review was not a novel, but a book about spiritual warfare called Armed and Dangerous by John Ramirez.
I was really excited to read this book, because spiritual warfare is something that I have limited knowledge about, but that I really want to learn more about. And boy did this book teach me!
The author, whose personal story he wrote in previous books (which I definitely want to read), used to be heavily involved with witchcraft and was a high-ranking satanic priest. He commanded demons around, and was miraculously saved and redeemed by Jesus. Now, he feels called to expose the powers of darkness and teach Christians how they can be equipped, as children of God, to defeat the enemy in Jesus name.
I definitely recommend reading this book, but be aware that the author does not mince with words. He says it how it is, and it can seem overwhelming at times. I had to take my time reading this book, reading a chapter or two before taking a break that sometimes lasted a few days. It is so full of information that I felt the need to take time to reflect after each chapter in order to really get the most from the book. I kept a highlighter with me while I read, highlighting things that I really felt were important, so that I could glance back and remember things that, in a book so full of knowledge, might be forgotten. There is so much that it is easy to miss a lot of good stuff.
That being said, while it could be overwhelming, I felt that the author did an excellent job at being real and not making it seem like a daunting, impossible thing. I felt that this book was extremely helpful at equipping me to fight spiritual battles, or at least giving me a base knowledge and somewhere to start as I continue on this journey with God. I also found it helpful to discuss what I read with one of my close friends, because it helped me to process it as well as see things not just from my own perspective (with someone I could trust and be real with).
So yeah. If you’re looking to become stronger in the spiritual battle that we are in -and trust me, you should want to- I would say that this book is an excellent resource. I’m looking forward to reading his previous books!

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.

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