Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The End Stretch

     Every Wednesday, I spend the morning at a cute little coffee shop, Cool Beans. Man I love that place (today, I actually stayed home because I'm not feeling too great, but I miss it!)! And Wednesday afternoons, all of YWAM Madison gathers for something called Worship and Warfare. We spend about forty to forty-five minutes in worship, followed by about twenty minutes to half hour of prayer, focused on a different thing every week. Last Wednesday, Worship and Warfare was focused on the upcoming US Presidential election. My friend and I were a bit curious as to how the leader would pull that off -I mean, politics is often a topic that people have strong opinions on- but it was really well done. We spent most of the time worshipping and praying for the Church, and that the CHURCH would step up and pray for the government, that the CHURCH would be unified, and so forth. It was a really good time of intercession for the church in America, as well as across the globe. Near the end, we also prayed over those who will be elected, not praying that specific people would (or would not) be elected, but that those who would would be prepared by God and led by Him.
     Last week was a short week, obviously, with Good Friday. I spent most of that day at the home of one of my preschoolers. His mom asked me to come over and give her a hand with her four kids, because she had a lot to do, and things were pretty hectic at their house. So I got to play with some cute kids and cuddle an adorable 5 month old for several hours :) I enjoyed myself. And it was really good to be able to be there and lend a hand where it was desperately needed!
     On Easter Sunday, Kenzie and my "parentals" as we call James and Kelly had Easter dinner for those in our YWAM community who had no other plans. So we had a full house :) It was a good time of fellowship with people I don't really see too often, plus Kenzie and I had a lot of fun playing with three year old Eliana, an extremely energetic girl with QUITE the personality! Kenzie lived with that family all fall, and since I was there every weekend, Eliana knows both of us and I think she had quite a fun time playing all afternoon :)
     Last night, I was talking to Kelly. Her and James are in the process of becoming licensed for fostering, and on Monday they have the home inspection, and she was just letting me know (also, they are baby proofing the house right now in preparation for this, and Kenzie is hopeless when it comes to baby locks, so when she was out, we put one of the doorknob cover things on the front door. Good times!). So that got me thinking about how they could potentially have a child shortly after I leave, if the home inspection is so soon. And then I realized: next week is my LAST WEEK. I have been of the mindset of having two weeks, or just under two weeks left. I had yet to think "Next week is my last week." But it is. Two weeks from today is my first day back at work. Its crazy. How has time flown so fast, that it is already so close to the end of my time on staff with YWAM Madison?
     I'm blessed to have two places that I can call home -Georgetown and Madison. I'm blessed with amazing communities and family in both places. But that also means that I have the sucky part of missing the people from one place while I'm in the other.
A couple of weeks ago, we talked about Heaven. One child got super excited by the fact that there will be no sun because God is there, and so he was like "That means we don't have to sleep in Heaven!" He really liked that idea and for the next few weeks, that was always what he was thankful for.... Meanwhile I'm thinking about how much I love sleep... :P

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