Yesterday, Anna asked me if I would be driving to church today. I hadn't really planned to, since I have limited American cash, and I need to make sure that I have enough left to get me home at Christmas break. And since I need to get a shot next week, which is pricey and I hadn't expected, I am trying to be careful with how much I spend.
However, after some thinking, I decided to drive. Anna and Annika both wanted to go to this one church that they have been to one time before. Jenna described it as "completely crazy". The church is called Global Presence, and they are very spirit led. Anna and Annika both grew up in churches like that, Anna in Brazil and Annika in South Africa. So they really enjoyed it, but others like myself were warned that it might not be ideal for us.
So today, I got up much earlier than I normally do on Sunday- we left here shortly after 9. I took Anna, Annika, and Kari with me, and we went to the Global Presence church.
Guys, it was amazing! You don't understand! It was absolutely, totally amazing! The service lasted for 2 1/2 hours, but it didn't feel that long. The pastors -they are a husband and wife team that preach together, which is super nice cause then they can built off of each other- said straight up that up until this morning, they didn't know what their message was going to be. Guys, they planned their message THIS MORNING.
It was the most amazing thing, because the message was exactly what we learned about this week and this week was a pretty big one for Anna, myself, and Annika and Kari. I took so, so many notes! Annika, being Annika -if you knew her, you'd understand- kept making suppressed squeal noises and shivering excitedly as she frantically wrote stuff down.
Here are a couple of the things I wrote down that really stand out to me:
"Embrace the process" This one is key for us YWAMers, because "process" is a hated word around here. After every class, pretty much, we are all like "Oh my goodness, I have to process this!" Or someone will ask you something and you'll say "I'm still trying to process that!" We hate processing. So when the pastor said "Embrace the process," we all just started to laugh. Quite literally, we started laughing there on our couch in the back.
"God is going to remove idols... if you are not experiencing shaking, you are going to!"
"Get caught up in the story cause He is still writing it!"
"We have damage that happens because we didn't wait for the timing of the Lord."
"Relationship is day and night and night and day and everything in between"
"We are enslaved to the world... we need to step out of slavery to the world's systems. We need to step out of our worldly comforts, because they enslave you."
"God is incredibly patient!"
"God calls us into greatness. We are already equipped- it is already in our hands. Don't use excuses... God will equip you."
"It isn't about who you are, it is about who God is, who the one with you is! And He is GOD!"
"The God of the Old Testament is the same God of today. He can do the same things."
We had a wonderful time at church today. After the service, we went up for prayer and left church feeling so excited, joyful, and full of Jesus. We were just laughing and shouting Jesus's name! It was so amazing!
Today was a really good day. While our laundry was in the drier, we went to a coffee shop called Beans an' Cream, and we were just sitting there talking. Annika looked at me and just laughed, "Katie, just say it!" She said.
"Say what?" I asked.
"I don't know. You have something! That look!"
"I'm just thinking about God!" I laughed, "He's just.... He's so awesome! I can't put it into words!"
And it is true. I can't put it into words. We are the children of an incredible, awesome, amazing, wonderful, inexplicable, unfathomable God! He is just amazing!
I have no words. Even though I wrote this much, I just have no words to describe how awesome God is!
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