Friday, December 5, 2014

Hot Cocoa-thon

     Tonight is the hot chocolate local outreach. My entire DTS is doing it- all 32 students, anyway, as well as most of the staff. As you may remember, this is a fundraiser for outreach. Our goal is to hand out 1000 cups of hot chocolate downtown... it should be really good! We are splitting into 4 groups and going to 4 different locations downtown in order to do this, since, as Sal nicely put it, all of us at the same place would be pretty creepy!
     Like I said, this is a fundraiser for outreach. If you still would like to donate, please let me know! There are some people who still need almost all of their outreach money, so this is an excellent chance to work with God to provide for them! On one outreach team alone, there is a need of $14000 by January, when we all leave. If you do feel like supporting us financially is something you would like to do, just send me an email at I need to raise an additional $150 for building materials for one opportunity we have in Mexico, helping to build a shelter in Tijuana. So whatever you can offer would be a blessing!
     Tomorrow I plan on going to a coffee shop (called Cool Beans, which excites me. Rebecca will understand) with Anna so that we can talk- we started having a "one on one" a couple days ago, when she was supposed to have one with her actual one on one but she was sleeping. So Anna took me instead. But partway through, when we were just getting into it, Kenzie actually showed up and took over :P So Anna and I want to finish,  and the only way to really be alone here is really to leave. And since I have a car now... hee hee.  Speaking of which, I accidentally drained my battery by leaving my interior light on... good thing we have lots of guys who can help me :P
     Anyway.... the point of the coffee shop thing was, after Anna and I are done talking, perhaps I will take advantage of the good internet there and tell you about my week.
     Again, if you would like to make any sort of donation to outreach funds, please send me an email! Literally anything you can give would be a blessing for us!

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