Yesterday was my final day working at the greenhouse. I have been working there, in various capacities, for more than 13 years. I've been full time there since I came back from YWAM in 2016. It's my second home, a place where the people are like family. I've experienced a lot of frustrations and annoyances there, but I have also had a lot of laughter, fun, and friendships. That place has produced friends that will, God willing, be in my life forever. I've learned a lot, from the practical things about growing plants to the strategies of leadership and supervising. I've learned how to have fun while doing crappy jobs, and I've learned how to multitask like crazy. It has been a fantastic ride, and one that I am sad to see end. I had a lot of emotions over the past 8 months, processing the end of this era, and it's been quite the pendulum. Ultimately, it was a bittersweet goodbye.
However, it's ending means a tremendous new beginning. Today, Raymond arrives in Ontario and our time as a long distance couple officially comes to an end! A week from tomorrow, we will be getting married!
This is the beginning of our new normal. To which Raymond would say "There's no such thing as normal, it's just a social construct!"
Our wedding is going to look drastically different than we first imagined it would. Back when we got engaged in late 2019, we had no idea what was about to unfold in our world. Covid-19 was something no one had ever heard of, cause it hadn't even been named yet! Instead of a church wedding with everyone we love, we will be having a smaller, outdoor ceremony. Wedding planning has been a crazy ride, one that changes constantly, but honestly, I'm so happy with how the plans are turning out. I'm okay with a smaller ceremony and even smaller reception. I'm completely happy with it.
Because ultimately, all the matters is our marriage. Saying the vows and committing to each other. Entrusting our lives to God. If Covid has taught us anything, it is that God is in control and He is what truly matters.
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