I'm so proud of that group. I wasn't technically their staff, but I lived with them for four months, and I watched them go from a group of awkward strangers to a big, loving, amazing family. Each and every one of them is on fire for God and I'm excited to see where they go next.
Preschool, however, is NOT over.... thank goodness! I love my time with those kids. I still live in amazement at how God took a dorm room and turned it into this happy place filled with the laughter and noise of seven 4-and-5-year-olds. Seriously. It's incredible!
Ever since I returned from Canada, fellow staff member PD has joined me at preschool. He's the one who took over for me while I was away, and he is praying about taking over next fall. In the meantime, he has been coming to help out and observe how I run the preschool. While I was away, he was kind of thrown into it, since he hadn't ever spent time in the preschool before. It is great to have the extra set of hands, and starting next week, PD is going to try to take over a bit of the leadership by leading a circle or another activity.
Yesterday was a particularly fun day at preschool. It started with just Micah and I playing dinosaurs before the other kids arrived. I mentioned how I miss playing dinosaurs with him during Focus Nights, which is what we did all fall. He nodded, "Yeah, we don't get to do that anymore, and not ever again. But maybe we can play dinosaurs when you come back for a visit!" So cute :)
During circle, we talked about encouragement and how we want to use positive words, words that are kind and loving. Last week we talked about being thankful, and making sure we actually say thank you when we feel thankful, so it seems like God wants these kids to learn how to speak life over people :)
It was an absolutely GORGEOUS, springlike day yesterday, reaching 19C by the afternoon, so we stayed outside for quite some time. The kids had a blast chasing PD around and playing with the balls and swinging on the swing set.
Our activity yesterday was making playdough -it was long overdue! The children always have fun measuring things and stirring, so they enjoyed the process. And then had even more fun playing with the playdough once it was done :)
We have fun. We really do. I'm going to miss this!
During circle a couple weeks ago we talked about how powerful Jesus is (so we don't need to be afraid!). We wrote down what Jesus has power over. I like how they said hedgehogs and flies :P
The sunset over the GMC one day. The picture really doesn't do it justice!
Prayer requests last week. It warmed my heart when one child prayed for the Fall DTS (who were travelling home from their stateside trips that day) to have safe travels.
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