Monday, September 14, 2015

The Eve

     Preschool starts tomorrow.
     When I first arrived here in Madison a month ago (wow, has it really already been a month?!), the beginning of preschool seemed ages away. Long in the future. Yet time steadily marched on, and now here we are. On the eve of YWAM Madison's preschool opening.
     Honestly, when I got here and really started talking to Greg about the preschool, I was a bit overwhelmed by what I had gotten myself into. I'm twenty two. I have absolutely no experience starting a preschool. Working in one, yes, but starting one from scratch?? I didn't know what all needed to be done! I was given a quick glance at a room that I would eventually get and some curriculum. I had no furniture. No toys. I had nothing! I hardly knew where to start, and I was afraid that I would forget something really important.
     But God is faithful and God is good. This past month was a time of really trusting Him. I mean, up until Thursday, I didn't even know if I would have any furniture. I didn't get the furniture until today. Twenty four hours before the school opens. And toys. Again, up until today, I had four games and some balls. And books. That's it. But today I got a whole box full of things from Boomerang, that thrift store owned by a local church. Tomorrow morning, I am going to a different thrift store to see what they have to donate. God is good and He provides. Even if it seems last minute. Even if I wanted it sooner. But you know what they say, God is never late, but He's rarely early. He is just on time. Wow, He definitely showed that to me during this time!
     So today I spent the day picking up furniture and getting the room set up and ready. I'm so excited! It looks like a preschool! I never would have been able to do this alone- it is so clearly God's room! I'll post some pictures soon!
     And the kids are so excited to start. M told his mom today "I'm going to learn everything I need to know at school". (Sheesh, way to put the pressure on me, bud!) He also told some of my friends that (and 'T' is what he calls me, by the way) "T is going to be a craaaaazy teacher!"  He knows me too well ;) Another child, D, thought that preschool started last week and so she had her backpack all packed and was so disappointed when her parents told her that it was the week after.
     So please keep me in your prayers tomorrow as we have our first day of preschool! Some kids have never really been away from their parents at all before, so there could be some emotions going on! Just pray that the kids will all adjust and have fun and learn so much about God and His love for them! They learn it at home, but hopefully their relationship with Him will grow deeper through this preschool.
     Thanks and blessings,

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