We arrived here in Mazatlan on Sunday evening. While we are here at our final outreach location, we are doing evangelism at Carnival, the big event of the year. Carnival is Mazatlan's Mardi Gras, and it is apparently the 3rd largest Mardi Gras party in the world. The past few days, we have been preparing for Carnival with worship, prayer, and planning in our groups.
There are 5 different groups for our Carnival outreach: Intercession, cafe (just a free little coffee shop outside the gates, so people can sit down and talk), and 3 evangelism teams- inside the gates, outside the gates, and women's. A couple days ago, we all prayed and asked God what team He wanted us on. I was personally hoping that I would end up on intercession. I like praying, and I do not enjoy going out and talking to people, you know?
Well, of course God told me to join the inside evangelism team. So thats what I will be doing for the next week.
Last night, Carnival began. We started our evening with worship, and then, since it was the first night and not many people go to Carnival that night, we all went in the gates and prayed and spoke to people. By "we all" I mean all 100-150 of us. Besides my outreach group, there is another Madison team (this one from the GMC, the other Madison location), and several other teams. One from West Virginia, one from Texas, two from Australia.... One from Mexico City, the Mazatlan folks, and there might be a few others.
So last night, I walked around with Michele and 2 other girls, one a translator. We were looking for who God wanted us to talk to, but none of us felt anything about any specific person. So we stopped and prayed for anything He wanted to show us.
I got a pink shirt. Nicky, our translator, got frizzy hair. Indra, the other girl, got the name Michelle. And Michele got a red hat and plastic toy.
So we did what we call treasure hunting- look for the person matching the description God gave.
About 5 minutes later, Indra and Nicky pulled over to chat quickly with a woman sitting on the curb with a sleeping little girl in her arms. Her name was Jasmine. "What is your daughter's name?" We asked.
"Michelle," Jasmine replied. We all grinned and looked excitedly at each other. Little Michelle was wearing a pink shirt. Her mom was wearing a frizzy Mexico flag coloured wig- with red. It was so cool!!
We talked to Jasmine for over an hour. 2 year old Michelle woke up at some point and I mostoly just played and "talked" to her- she was chattering away, it was just in Spanish. During worship that evening, one of the GMC girls had given me a glow stick, and when I suddenly found it in my hands, and not on my wrist anymore, I felt like I should give it to Michelle. We realized later- there was the plastic toy.
We prayed for Jasmine before we left. It was a really good night!
God is good, all the time!
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