Sunday, December 13, 2015

God-Sized Dreams

     This week was a really good week. In the DTS, the speaker was Troy Sherman, a man who was born and raised in YWAM. He spoke in my school, as well, on the same topic- Identity. I remember him being a really good and impactful speaker, and those memories were correct! I learned so much from him again this year, even though it was the exact same teachings that I heard last year.
     One thing that Troy repeated over and over and over -both this year as well as last year- was that "God wants to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things." The Bible is a book about very ordinary and imperfect people. It isn't about extraordinary people! As Troy says "When extraordinary people do extraordinary things, it isn't anything amazing because it is expected. But when ordinary people do extraordinary things, the glory goes to God because it is amazing."
     I think it is pretty safe to say that most of us are ordinary people. So if we offer our lives to God, and tell Him that we are willing to do whatever He asks, He can do some pretty amazing things through us, and best of all, HE gets the glory, if we give it to Him. If we give our whole heart to God, we are giving an infinite God infinite possibilities. If we keeps just one small section of our heart, we are limiting an infinite God. The idea of giving God our all and seeing what He does with our lives is so so exciting, yet all too often, we don't give God our whole heart. We keep just one small part of it for ourselves, often because of fear. We think that this doesn't matter, but it does.
     Where in my own life have I been keeping a part of myself away from God, telling Him that He can have my everything- except that. Why don't we trust God? He literally has our best intentions at heart, so why do we often find it so hard to trust Him?
     Troy also asked us this question: If your life had a price tag on it, what would it say? Then he answered that question: It would say "the life of a God". Jesus paid for us with His life. We know that. But do we live that way? How are we living out lives, the ones that Jesus bought with His life? And then He had us read 1 John 3:16. Not the typical John 3:16. But 1 John 3:16.
     Troy then went on to ask us about what we think disqualifies us from the Kingdom of God. Why do we think that anything can disqualify us, when Jesus died for us? What if the things that hold us back, the things that we see as flawed and keeping us from being competent, are actually the things that God wants to use? Troy's biggest fear is public speaking. He refused to speak in front of even small groups, until God challenged him to do that. Now, that is how Troy spends his life. He still has the fears, but the fears help him to constantly cling to God in his work! We should be building a kingdom worthy of our King, for when He returns. If you are 'unemployed' in the Kingdom of God, then you should get a job. God wants to use us to change the world. He wants us to look past our fears to Him, and take that step of faith and trust. We need to be the change we want to see! In the Bible, it says that Christ is the head, and we are the body. That means that we are God's hands and feet here. If we want God to change the world, we need to be willing to let Him use us to do it! After all, what can a head do without its body? Obviously God is all powerful and can do it alone, but He chooses to partner with us instead! If you aren't willing to be the answer to your own prayer, maybe you shouldn't be praying it. It is so easy to pray "God, just show the people of this place Your love!", but maybe God is asking YOU to go there and be the answer to that prayer. If we don't have impossible dreams, then we don't need God to fulfil those dreams. We don't need big dreams, we need God-sized dreams!
     God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Troy told us story after story of regular, imperfect people who listened to God and were willing to step out of their comfort zone and do what He asked. And God showed up in amazing ways! One story in particular stands out to me. It was about a girl who did a DTS that Troy was leading. Afterwards, she felt that God asked her to go to South Africa and do something about human trafficking. She didn't know much about human trafficking, not enough that she thought she could make a difference, anyway. So she went, figuring God just wanted her to learn more about it.
     She got to South Africa and went to get some coffee or something. And there, she met a man, started chatting with him, and ended up having met the US ambassador to South Africa. He was so interested in what she was telling him about human trafficking that he brought her to the embassy, where -within 24 hours of having arrived in South Africa- she met the Secretary of Internal Affairs in South Africa, who also wanted to talk to her more about human trafficking.
     If you give God your everything, you are giving an infinite God infinite possibilities.
     If God can turn a shepherd into a king (David), a fishermen into world changers (the disciples), a murderer into a leader (Moses), and a group of slaves into a nation (Israel), what more could He do with you?!
The YWAM Madison Fall 2015 DTS! Yes, I live with ALL these people. In one building.

As I am driving home from preschool at about 3:30, the sun is already beginning to set. I just had to stop and take a picture; it is so gorgeous!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

This and That

     It has been a long time since I have written on here! Last week, I was at home, so I decided that talking to people was more important :) I had a terrific Thanksgiving break! And two weeks from today, I will be heading back to Canada again, so I'm going to enjoy my time here in Madison while I can :)
     I came back here on Monday. It was an uneventful drive. Rather boring, since driving by yourself for 11 or so hours can be... mind numbing. I mean, I'm an introvert. I love being alone, but even that is a little excessive! Crossing the border was a bit nerve-wracking, because even though I have a visa, they asked me all sorts of questions (including ones about my work with YWAM in Canada- which as you know is non-existent), and made me show them my letter from YWAM Madison again. But after 10 or so minutes, they let me through and I breathed MANY prayers of thanks! :)
     Preschool started up again on Tuesday. It was so good to see "my" children again! I missed those kiddos :) One child missed the whole week before Thanksgiving because his family was visiting family in Pennsylvania, and his dad told me that every day since they got back, he would ask if he could go to the YWAM preschool again. He just really missed it! It is always so good to hear those things. I mean, I know the kids love it because they have fun when they are here, but when their parents tell me things that they say at home -about how much they love preschool, or random things about God that they have learned here- it really helps to remind me that what I am doing makes a difference, and it matters.
     This week in the DTS, the speaker was a man named Wick Nease, who taught on destiny. We had him last year for the same topic, so I already have heard all his teachings, but it was really good to be able to sit in class with him again. I had a lot of classes last year, so I obviously don't remember everything! One thing that he said several times was that "Salvation is free, but destiny will cost you everything."
     To live the life God has called you to... it will cost you. It is definitely worth the cost (which Wick also made clear), but there is sacrifice. I mean, look at me. I live most than a thousand kilometres from my family. I love Madison and all the people in YWAM Madison. It is an absolutely amazing community. But I am a homebody. Before I left for DTS, the longest I had ever been away from home was two and a half weeks, and that was with my brother. I love being at home with my family. I love my life in Georgetown, my friends there, my church. It was very hard for me to agree to come here in the first place, and to come back to staff. But living here, doing what God has asked me to do, is the best decision I ever made. It is worth the cost!
     This year, for the first time, YWAM Madison is running a winter DTS. So far, they have 26 students signed up. One of my friends from my DTS, Kari, has come back on staff, to staff this school. She just came back to Madison after Thanksgiving. Today, we went to Cool Beans (my favourite cute little coffee shop here, owned by Christians so that's a bonus) for coffee and to get caught up. We talked for 2 1/2 hours, which flew by. I miss my fellow DTSers. This new groups is great! I love them all! But my DTS will always and forever have a special place in my heart. And seeing Kari again reminded me how much I miss them. So I am thankful for every moment I have with the ones who have returned!
     This week, in the DTS, we finished our intercession times for North Korea. I told you about how we prayed for Bhutan; that was for the first half of the school. For the past few weeks, we have been praying for North Korea. I love intercession, and praying God's will for the nations is such an honour and privilege! It also helps me to have a heart for these nations. I didn't really give North Korea a second thought before we started praying for it. Now, I care deeply for the nation, and continue to pray for it. Same with Bhutan. I would encourage you to do the same- it doesn't have to be Bhutan, or North Korea. But if there is a country that is on your heart, pray for it continually! Even if you don't currently have a country that you have on your heart, pick a country and pray for it! Watch, and see if that country doesn't become very important to you! :)
     Prayer is a beautiful and powerful thing.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Answered Prayer!

    So tonight, I was sitting in the hallway just hanging out with people, as I normally do, when we heard excited screams from the girls dorm named Bhutan (we name the dorms after countries close to our heart here at YWAM Madison). A stream of girls came pouring out the door, telling us the news they had just seen: "The queen of Bhutan is pregnant!"
     Yes! The queen of Bhutan is finally pregnant! YWAM Madison has been praying for this for YEARS. And it has finally happened!! She is expecting a son in February!
     Jesus is so good!
     I just quickly wanted to share that awesome news, and ask you to keep praying for that child!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Past Year

     As I drive to preschool, I have a lot of time to think and talk to God. And honestly, it is when I am driving that He often speaks to me. When He told me to staff, it was while I was driving home for Christmas last year. Last week, He was talking to me about how he ASKS me to do things, rather than TELLING me to do them. And He says thank you when I choose to do as He asked.
     Today, as I was driving that long drive, with fields of corn stalk remains on either side of the road, God and I were looking back on the past year of my life. And remembering all the things I have seen God do, all the things we have done together.
     In the past year, I have learned how much God loves me, and how real that love is. How He loves me without any strings. Nothing I do or don't do will ever affect His love for me. I have danced around while waving huge palm branches during worship. I have seen Him provide finances for people in astounding ways -He provided about 5 thousand dollars to our school leaders in one day. I have seen Him heal people of their illness or injury -I have seen people go from extreme pain to none at all after a simple prayer. I have learned about the weapons of spiritual warfare, and the power I have in that area, and I have used them. I have taken down bunk beds and lugged them up to a stifling hot attic. I have spent two months living in Mexico, just because God asked me to go there. I have eaten oatmeal, beans, and rice every day for a week. I have spent thousands of dollars just to serve others, to be God's hands and feet. I have changed the poopy diapers of special needs women. I have collected beautiful, amazing sea shells and seen God's creativity and beauty through them. I have handed out hot dogs to people who live and work in a dump, people who never leave the smell and dirt of that place. I have lived in a building with fifty others, sharing a room with twelve girls. I have talked to a complete stranger about Jesus for over an hour. I stood up to speak in front of a group of people, not sure what I was going to say, until God gave me the words as I spoke them. I have listened as God asked me to go certain places. I have taken a 27 hour bus ride, halfway through which the military stopped us, ordered everyone off the bus, and scanned out belongings. I have met friends who now live all over the world -Africa, Mexico, Ireland, Japan, and more. I have learned a lot about who God is, and I have grown in relationship with Him. I have handed out free hot chocolate in the frosty night. I have learned to hear and recognize God's voice. I have worshipped God while gazing at the amazing ocean He created. I have seen Him bring a preschool into being out of literally nothing. I have seen God bring joy out of dreariness. I have seen Him meet people in  new ways. I have laughed with God -for almost an hour, non-stop. I have been searched at a border, and then denied entry to the county (America, of all places!). I have felt His gentle presence. I have seen God change people's lives forever. I have seen people accept Jesus into their lives, thanking Him for what He has done for them. I have begun to actually trust God with my future.
     God and I have been on a crazy, crazy journey over this past year. These are only a handful of the many, many things that I have done together with Him! My time with YWAM has been a crazy, fun, incredible learning experience and a crazy, fun, incredible time with God. And I'm so excited to see what else I get to do with Him over my next few months with YWAM Madison, as well as for the rest of my life, where-ever I may be!
     PS. I'm coming home! In two weeks, it is Thanksgiving break, and so I shall be home for a few days! I'm so excited to see everyone again! I miss you all!

Saturday, November 7, 2015


     Every day of YWAM preschool starts the same. Once all the children have arrived, we sit down on the alphabet rug for circle, or "oval", as the children call it (because we don't sit in a perfect circle, it is more like an oval. When I say circle, they always correct me). Here, we talk about God, read the Bible, and end with prayer.
     When we pray is probably my favourite part of every day. It is the absolute best. I ask for prayer requests, which I write on the chalkboard. Some of their requests make me laugh. Take on of my personal favourites, for example- "I want to pray that the farmer won't mix up the milking cow and the eating cow." (he really loves his milking cows... like, a lot). They also have prayed for a room full of puppies, that everyone gets good at math, and that we will have winter AND summer (this comes from the same child).
     But while they have their funny prayer requests, they also have some that really surprise me. Like "Thank you for the new toy- it was an answer to our prayer because last time we prayed that everyone would get a new toy! And I did!" and "That the people in China and Mexico don't get hurt by the bad army guys." Another prayer request that has come up multiple times lately is that "Everyone will have a Bible". Yesterday, we talked during our Bible time about being blessed to be a blessing. How we should share with people in need. And during the prayer requests, one child requested that we pray that "People with nothing will be blessed."
     When we first started preschool, I would be the one to pray our prayers. When I asked if anyone else wanted to pray, no one would volunteer. Now, all the children want to pray, and I have to pick two each day. It is so awesome to see the children growing in talking to God!
     I was talking to Greg, the backing behind the preschool, whose son Bennett is in the preschool. He was telling me that he can see the impact that it is having. Bennett wants to pray more, and out loud. And that in turn is helping Bennett's older sister to be more outspoken in prayer, since she sees her brother doing it.
     So that's just a tiny glimpse of what preschool is doing. Its awesome!
     And now I am off to spend the weekend with my friend. I haven't seen her in a whole week -I spent this past week living in town with a mom and baby because the DTS went to Oklahoma for a conference. I got to snuggle baby Obie for like three hours every night, so it was pretty terrific!- and so I'm looking forward to spending time with her again!
     Oh, and since the DTS was in Oklahoma, Micah had to go as well. Apparently he kept telling his mom how saw he was to be missing school. Awwwww :)
Prayer requests :)

On Monday, I played chauffeur for a family with eight children. School drop offs and pick ups. I got to drive around this 12 seater beast... quite the adventure! 

This past week with just me, Lauren, and baby Obediah was the best. I got to cuddle Obie for so long every evening! I put him to sleep every night- apparently I am still the baby whisperer! :P

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


     I have a question for you. Have you heard of the country of Bhutan? I hadn't. Bhutan is a small country located just south of China. I have never been there, but it is an absolutely beautiful country. Totally gorgeous. But it is also very limited to tourists. They want to keep their country pure, so in order to visit the country, you have to pay a hefty fee. You can only enter Bhutan on their airline. The country is ruled by King Jigme Wangchuck, who is married to his lovely wife, a former commoner, named Jetsun. King Jigme's father had five or six wives, but King Jigme said that Jetsun is his one and only. However, they have been married for several years and have yet to have a child. Pressure is on him to marry again. Since the kingdom is predominately Buddhist, it is completely acceptable.
     The people of Bhutan adore their king. He is their father. Really, should they come to know the Lord, understanding the Father-heart of God would be so easy for them, because that is already how they see their earthly king.
     Bhutan is also the nation that we here at YWAM Madison have been praying for for twenty years. Each Tuesday and Thursday, at the DTS, we split into small groups and intercede -stand in the gap- for the country of Bhutan.
     Intercession. When I first came here, I didn't really know what intercession was. But it is really so simple! Intercession is prayer- prayer where you wait on God to tell you what to pray into. So we sit together and ask God what He would like us to pray for Bhutan. We are in Spiritual Warfare week here at the DTS, so today we were just talking about the power of prayer. Prayer is powerful, guys.
     And I would like to encourage you all to pray for this small, easily forgotten and overlooked country. This is something that we got in intercession this morning, as well as last week -that we need to raise awareness for this country. Tell people about it. I had never heard of it before last summer. I'm sure many people have never really heard of Bhutan.
     Here are some of the other prayer points that we have received from God over the past month or so of praying for this country.
     -The queen WILL have a baby
     -Pray that they love their King the same way that they love their king.
     -It may look hopeless, but God is the ultimate authority and power. Do not give up hope!
     -Unity for the Christians who are there
     -Supporting them in prayer. Radical prayer.
     So I encourage you to take time out of your day. Pray for this small, unknown country. Stand in the gap for them. Plead for them. Speak on behalf of them.
     I love intercession :)
                                                  Here are some pictures of Bhutan

The king and queen of Bhutan
The Bhutan flag

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Love Story

     "God wrote, 'I love you' -he wrote it in the sky, and on the earth, and under the sea. He wrote his message everywhere! Because God created everything in his world to reflect him like a mirror- to show us what he is like, to help us know him, to make our hearts sing... ....And God put it into words, too, and wrote it in a book called 'The Bible.'" (The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, pg 12).
     Last Saturday, I stopped by the Family Christian Bookstore and bought something that I have wanted for awhile. It is an incredible book. I absolutely love it. I read it every morning during my quiet time, and I am always amazed by the time I finish reading. Even though I have read all the stories before, this book helps me see them in a different light.
     You see, I bought the Jesus Storybook Bible. Yes, the age on the back of the book is 4+. But guys... this Bible is amazing! I run a preschool and I do use it there, but I did not buy it for the kids. I bought it for myself.
     This Bible is written in a way that shows how the Bible is truly a love story. It continuously goes back to God and His love for us. For His desire for relationship with us. It shows hope and it shows who God truly is- a good, good Father.
     Just the introduction thrills me "Now some people think the Bible is a book of rules, telling you what you should and shouldn't do... Other people think the Bible is a book of heroes... No, the Bible isn't a book of rules, or a book of heroes. The Bible is most of all a Story. It's an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure. It's a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne -everything- to rescue the one he loves. It's like the most wonderful of fairy tales that has come true in real life!" (The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, pg 14,15,17).
     Isn't that an incredible description of what the Bible is?! Because it's true. It is a story of God seeking after His lost treasure. That's what we are to Him, you know. Precious treasures. How cool is that?!
     When God created Adam and Eve, this is how The Jesus Storybook Bible describes it: "And when God saw them, he was like a new dad. 'You look like me,' he said. 'You're the most beautiful thing I've ever made!' God loved them with all of his heart. And they were lovely because he loved them... God loved his children. He would move heaven and earth to be near them. Always. Whatever happened, whatever it cost him, he would always love them." (The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones, pg 26,27).
     God loves us. This was a major thing that I learned last year during DTS. That God loves me. I mean, I knew that. I have been taught that my whole life. But it really wasn't something I believed fully. It was head knowledge, not heart knowledge. Over the past year, God has really shown me that He really does love me so so much. He has helped me transition from knowing that with my head to knowing that with my heart. And it still amazes me, every day! I am God's beloved, precious daughter! Its so incredibly amazing, so wonderful, so indescribably awesome!
     So if you want to go back to the roots of what the Bible is, and who God is, try reading this child's Bible. Because it truly reminds me in every story about God's love for us.
     It was the best $17.92 I have ever spent!

Friday, October 23, 2015

It Matters

     This just made me happy, so I am going to share it with you all.
     The Facebook status of the mom of one of my preschoolers: "From the backseat Silas asks if I know what omnipresent means... Later he asked if I knew what a Pine-don was... he meant PYTHON. Preschool knowledge is bubblin' out!"
     What I do makes a difference!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

You Are Welcome Here

     I can't believe that five weeks of preschool have passed. That's crazy sauce! How did that even happen?! Wasn't I just spending time painting the room and praying and praying and praying that God would provide everything I needed?! Wasn't it just the other day that I picked up the furniture and set up the room in preparation for the start of preschool?
     Yesterday was a good day. I arrived at my classroom about an hour early, as usual. I sat Micah down to eat his lunch (I bring him with me, and bring him home after), and I got everything ready for class. Then I sat down on the carpet and began to do a kid puzzle. And I was singing the song "Holy Spirit" by Francesca Battistelli, without really realizing it.
     "Holy Spirit, you are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory, God is what my heart longs for. To be overcome by your presence, Lord!"
     Once I realized what I was singing, I began to sing it as a prayer over the classroom. I always try to pray before the kids come (and during, of course!) and I thought that this song was a very good prayer to have!
     I know that God is always with me throughout the preschool -and life, obviously. But yesterday's class just felt like it had God's hand all over it. After the children arrived -I only have four of my usual children, since one was sick, one was visiting grandparents, and one just wasn't there, but the nine year old brother of one child joined us for the second day in a row- we sat down for circle (or, as the kids always say, "No, it's not circle, it's OVAL!" because we don't sit in a perfect circle. I love them!). I talked to them about the big O words -Omniscient, Omnipresent, etc. I asked them if they could guess what each meant, knowing they wouldn't know, and then explained what it meant and how God was like that. One moment that cracked me up was when I asked what they thought omnipresent means, and Micah was like "It means that Santa is going to come and bring us presents!"
     After this, I read the Bible story of the plagues. After, I grabbed a cup of water and put it in the middle of the carpet. "Who can change this into blood?" I asked. One child raised his hand. "Okay, Silas! Turn it into blood!" I said. He looked at me, "I... I don't know how."
     I did this with a few other things, telling them to make frogs appear, and grasshoppers, etc. They thought it was hilarious, but they also realized how they cannot do it, but God can.
     It was a good day :) Plus I got cuddles from Franz, so that just was the icing on the cake!
     Preschool, though, is not the only thing I do here in Madison! Here are a couple pictures from my last couple of weeks here!

Sunset out at the TC, where I live

Our first Love Feast of the DTS! Each school, we have three 'Love Feasts'. Basically we dress up and eat together. We have a Thanksgiving Love Feast, a Christmas one, and then this one- a Passover Love Feast. We staff served dinner and dessert to the students, and then after dinner, we had different people sing and recite poetry focusing on Jesus and His sacrifice.

     So yeah, that's just a small glimpse into my life right now! Its busy but fun and I love every moment of it! 
     I did dream the other night that I was home and it was quite lovely being back. I can't wait to see you all when I come home for a visit!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Thanksgiving is Here (even if Americans don't think so)!

     Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Here I am, my second thanksgiving away from home. I'm sad to be missing the holiday with y'all! I miss you guys :)
     But even though I am in America, where they weirdly have Thanksgiving at the end of November (I know, what even is that?!), I can still be thankful! So here is just a few of the things that I am thankful for!
    I am thankful for my YWAM family here in Madison. The people here -the ones I knew before coming back to staff and the ones I have met since then- are absolutely amazing. We have a great community here, and I am blessed to be a part of it. I know that some of the friends I have made here will be lifelong friends, and I am so thankful that God has called me to this place, even if it is only for a short season.
     I am thankful for my family back home- don't think that I have forgotten about you! I love and miss you all! I really have been blessed by my family. You are supportive of my work, because you know that even though I am far away, I am doing what God has called me to do.
     I am thankful for my friends. I really have some terrific friends and I am so glad that I know you! I really love my friends, both here in Madison and back home :)
     I am thankful for my preschoolers. They are a great bunch. I love them. They are so cute and while it is my job to minister to them, they also minister to me (without even realizing it). I'm so glad that I listened to God and accepted the challenge of starting this preschool!
     I am thankful for God's provision. I have so much. I have a bed to sleep in, inside. I have more than enough food. I have so much, and I truly have been blessed.
     I am thankful for my car. Without my car, I wouldn't be able to live out at the TC. I wouldn't be able to do so much of what I do here, and so having my car is a huge blessing!
     I am thankful for creativity. This is something that I've really been thinking about a lot lately. So many people here are artistic, and it is awesome to see them reflect God through this -cause God is creative, and He made us like Him! I think that creativity is something God has placed in all of us, because I believe it is close to His heart. Even those of us who are not very artistic (cough, me!) can be creative and it blesses and delights God when we do! I tend to be creative through colouring, cross stitch, and writing, but that's just me :)
     I am thankful for Canada. Living away from Canada, as a Canadian, I really learn to appreciate my country. We have Timmies and beautiful landscapes, and we have people who use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit (trust me, that is something that is a continual challenge!). Canada has Swedish berries and fuzzy peaches and real Smarties. We have All Dressed chips and Frnech Vanilla cream that doesn't taste like sour milk. Canada has a lot that America does not have, and I miss it! In all seriousness, I love Canada.
     I am thankful for babies. Need I say more???!
     Most of all, I am thankful for God and my relationship with Him. He is so committed to me. He loves me so much. He is my God, my Father, my best friend. I can talk to Him about anything. I can ask Him hard questions and He won't be offended. Nothing I do or don't do can ever affect His love for me. He is the God of the universe, yet He wants a relationship with me. I have grown so much in my relationship with Him in this past year, and I am so thankful for that. And I'm thankful that I won't stay in this place, either, but that I will continue to grow in relationship with God, and that He will continue to take me deeper and deeper in intimacy with Him.
     God is amazing, guys! Relationship with Him is the absolute best! He isn't some distant God, He is right here with us! You can talk to Him and He talks back! The creator of the universe, the King of Kings, speaks to us and seeks relationship with us and delights in us. Its truly amazing. You should check out this video we watched in class today (
     So yeah, that is just a few things that I am thankful... I could go on and on, but I know you all have lives to live apart from reading this blog :)
     I love you all! And I'm thankful for each and every one of you, even if I don't know you that well. Thank you for caring about what I am doing, and for supporting me through prayer :)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Champion Young People

     I don't know how much you know about YWAM. Before last year, when I joined this organization, I didn't know much. I had heard the name, and that was about it. I had no idea what a DTS was, even though I had signed up to do one. Trust me, it was NOTHING like what I expected!
     Youth With a Mission is a global organization started in the 1960s by Loren Cunningham. He had a vision of young people coming over the land like waves. The organization started small, but it multiplied and now has over 18,000 full time workers all over the world. One of the cool things about YWAM is that no one gets paid. No one. Not a single YWAM worker has a salary -unless you call what God provides their salary! All workers raise support from people they know. God provides the funds necessary not only for everyday living, but also for travel and outreaches across the world! Because no one gets paid, it helps keep everyone on equal level. Take YWAM Madison, for example. We were started by a couple named Warren and Gayle Keapproth. But they don't have a special position above everyone else. They have been found doing things that we all do -cleaning toilets. Just the other day, Warren drove the school bus full of DTS students- he was the bus driver.
     YWAM as an organization has what we call the foundational values. These are just things that we value and strive to honour. This includes 'value the individual', 'exhibit servant leadership', 'be visionary', and 'Make God known'. There are a total of eighteen foundational values. One that really is close to my heart as I am pioneering this preschool is 'Champion young people'.
     The first step of YWAM is to take a DTS, or Discipleship Training School. In order to join staff, you must do a DTS. It doesn't matter how old you are, or what your experiences are, you must do a DTS to staff with YWAM. This is one very big way that we as an organization champion young people. It is a time to learn about God and to grow in relationship with Him. And that is what you need to do before you can go and tell others about Him! How can you tell people about someone you don't know very well. So whether it is through a DTS or just growing in relationship with Him in other ways, it is so important to know who God is personally before you try to teach others about Him.
     But what if we can start younger? DTS is for people who had graduated high school, who are at least eighteen years old. But what about those who aren't old enough for DTS yet? Like our four and five year old children?
     That is where this preschool comes in. For two hours a day, three days a week, I have the honour of ministering to these young children. I get to partner with God in championing them! Six of the seven kids in the preschool are YWAM kids, so they know who God is. But hearing and learning about Him from someone other than their parents is really good. And then there is the child who is not from the YWAM community. He will get to know God in a whole new way!
     So in this, in investing in our children, we are really living out the foundational value of "champion young people". And this is not the only way. I am the teacher of preschool. On Tuesdays and Fridays, I am alone teaching the seven kids -apart from about twenty minutes on Tuesdays when a YWAMer named Lucy comes and does music with us. But on Thursdays, I have a helper. Her name is Judah.
     Judah is eleven years old. Her little sister is in the preschool. Back in the summer, before I ever got to Madison, Greg Ruhland (the guy who's passion it was to start a preschool here, and my main backing for it) was talking about the preschool at staff meeting. He was letting people know that it was actually going to happen, that I was going to come and start it. Well, Judah was at that meeting. Afterwards, she told her father "Dad, I want to help. I feel like God wants me to help with this preschool."
     And so she is. She is a great girl, and she is a help! Yet at the same time, she is also learning and growing.
     One of the boys in my class has two older sisters. They are eight and six. Very sweet girls. I went to their house for dinner one day before preschool began, and they really latched onto me. So when they hear Justin talking about preschool and how much he loves it, they want to go. Their mom told me that if I ever need help, they would love to come and be my "special helpers". However, they are very young, especially six year old Bri. She is just a year older than some of my kids. So even though I would love to give them an opportunity to hang out for a day, I didn't think it was possible.
     And then I found out that this past Thursday, I would only have five children at preschool -two would be away. So I felt that God's heart was for me to invite Abi and Bri to join us. And they did! We had lots of fun!
     The preschool is for four and five year old children, but I really feel that God's heart for it is to champion young people of all ages. So I know that whenever possible, if I have an older child who would like to help out or come for a day, I won't say no. I want this preschool to be open to all children, even though practically speaking I can only have the seven that are enrolled.
     I have such an amazing job, guys. Each day I wake up in a building full of young adults who are eager to learn more about God, to worship Him and grow in relationship with Him. And I get to do that with them! But at the same time, I get to go and spend time with the children and teach them about God! I get to minister to the young children and help God to champion them! It is such an awesome life that I live!
Judah reading to a couple of the children

Sunday, September 27, 2015


     Just before the DTS students arrived, I started reading a book called Kisses From Katie, a book written by Katie Davis about her life. If you've never heard of it, basically, Katie moved to Uganda at the age of eighteen, after graduating from high school. What originally was going to be a year long stint in Africa turned into a lifetime. By the age of twenty, she had adopted fourteen Ugandan girls on top of starting a non-profit organization which helps send Ugandan children to school. She is now in her mid twenties, and is still living in Uganda as a single mom. Her ministry supports around 400 children, covering the cost of their tuition, supplies, and uniform, and feeding them.
     While  I was reading the book, I started to wonder about my own life. Katie Davis had accomplished so much by the age of nineteen. What have I done? Yeah, I'm a "missionary", but when you look at what I'm doing -living in America, teaching preschoolers- compared to what Katie is doing -starting a ministry in Uganda, moving there and adopting 14 children- it feels like it is obvious who is the "better" Christian.
     Comparison is a terrible thing. Because the truth is, we are both doing what God has called us to do. She isn't any better of a person than me just because she is adopting children and living full time in Africa. God has not called me to do that, and doing what God has called you to do is the most important thing.
     At one point in the book, Katie mentions something like this. How people will always think she is an extraordinary person. "That I am courageous. That I am strong. That I am special. But I am just a plain girl from Tennessee. Broken in many ways, sinful, and inadequate. Common and simple with nothing special about me. Nothing special except I choose to say 'yes'. 'Yes' to the things God asks of me, and 'yes' to the people He places in front of me. You can too. I am just an ordinary person. An ordinary person serving an extraordinary God." (Kisses From Katie). It doesn't matter what you are doing, because really, if God has called you to it, it is He who is doing it. Like this preschool. I did not know what I was doing when I put this preschool together. I have never done anything like it before. Yet it went from being a dorm room to a preschool classroom in a week because God is a mighty God who provides and equips us. I do not take credit for that room, because I know that it was Him. And I won't take credit for the fruit of the preschool, because I know that it is Him.
     "He [God] chose Moses. He chose David. He chose Peter and Paul. He chose me. He chose you. Common people. Simple people. People with nothing special about them. Nothing special except they said yes. They obeyed. They took the task God assigned them and they did it. They didn't always do it well, but they said yes, and with His help they did it anyway. Extraordinary tasks." (Kisses From Katie).
    God has called us each to a different life, a different task. No one's calling is any better or worse than another's. If God has called you to do something, say yes! Do it, without comparing it to the "better" calling of someone else. God knows where He wants you and who He wants you to touch. He will do amazing things with you, if only you say yes to what He has asked.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Go Time!

     This past weekend has been a bit crazy and overwhelming for me. As I said before, the preschool is held at the GMC in town, and only runs three days a week. So I am living out in the cornfields where I lived last year, at the TC, and supporting the new Discipleship Training School (DTS).
     Well, this weekend was the start of this new DTS! The first student and his wife and three week old baby (I know!!!! :D) moved in on Friday night. A few more came on Saturday, and then on Sunday the rest arrived. We have thirty more people living in our building, which for an introvert like me is slightly overwhelming! I picked up one girl at the bus stop on Saturday, but other than that, I stuck around the TC all weekend so that I wouldn't come back to masses of people. Still, by five o'clock on Sunday I was exhausted by the sheer number of people. I was greeting students as they arrived and giving them tours, and while it was great being able to meet the students one-on-one and talk to them a bit, it was definitely tiring! So I went to my room at five and hibernated until dinner. And then I realized what a bad idea that was, because I walked into a room of forty-five people, most of whom I had met but didn't really know. I wanted to run and hide, but I managed to stay!
     So today DTS began. Its still strange suddenly having so many people living at the TC, when I am used to only having us 16 staff, but I know that I will adjust- I did last year, after all! (though last year I came in with all the people so didn't know the building before it was full) It does make me miss the others from my DTS, though.
     I'm super excited for all these new students. Their world is about to get rocked and it is so exciting that I get the honour of walking along side them as they travel this journey with God! They seem like a really great and friendly bunch, and I'm looking forward to (one by one) getting to know them better.
     So that's where I'm at! A lot of new faces, entering my second week of preschool (and I have heard from several parents that their kids are loving it, so that's good!), and really just living to serve God during my days!
     If you could pray for me to really invest in these new DTS students and building relationships with them, even though I'm not there full time. And please continue to pray for the preschool and that the kids will really learn and grow in their relationship with God through it! Thanks, all!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Welcome to Preschool!

     This morning, I left the TC at 10 o'clock, taking Micah with me. We stopped by Bethesda Thrift Shop, another church-run thrift store in Madison, and there they let us pick through their toys and children's books to take what we wanted. Micah was pretty excited at some of our finds! I love shopping for free! ;) The manager there told me to come back any time I need more things!
     So then we went to the GMC, where the preschool is being held. At 12:45, the other kids arrived! I have seven children in total, six boys and one girl. That means there is a lot of energy in one small room! Today we just played and got to know each other a bit. Even though all but one of the kids are YWAM kids (weeWAMers), there are seventy people on staff with YWAM Madison, so they don't all know each other well.
     It was cute, when I introduced myself, I said my name was Katie. Micah then piped up "But I call her T. She's really T-Teacher [his thing is he calls people blank-friend. So I was always T-friend until I became his teacher], but I just call her T. You can call her T, too if you want!"
     So cute. I'm so glad that Micah is going to preschool. His parents were the leaders of my DTS, so I really got to know him last year. I was one of the few who he chose as a friend. It is really awesome that he is able to attend preschool. because he has always been very anti-school. He never liked the idea, but with this -part time and with his friend as a teacher- he is super excited and eager.
     So I thought I would just show a few pictures of our first day! Also the before and after pictures of the room :)

Just another dorm room: What it looked like what I got it

 Painting- a big thanks to Kenzie and Bri for all their work helping, and not just with painting!

 After: The classroom all painted and set up! It cost a total for $9!

 Toys and the book corner

 Micah and "T". Someone (and not Micah's parents) insisted that we have a first-day-of-school picture

 Abbie insisted that I have my own first-day-of-school picture...

Bri helped me out today, and she took this picture while one of YWAM Madison's staff, Lucy, did music with the kids. She is going to do that every Tuesday, which is awesome!
     So there you have it! Sorry for so many pictures... but I couldn't get rid of any! :P

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Eve

     Preschool starts tomorrow.
     When I first arrived here in Madison a month ago (wow, has it really already been a month?!), the beginning of preschool seemed ages away. Long in the future. Yet time steadily marched on, and now here we are. On the eve of YWAM Madison's preschool opening.
     Honestly, when I got here and really started talking to Greg about the preschool, I was a bit overwhelmed by what I had gotten myself into. I'm twenty two. I have absolutely no experience starting a preschool. Working in one, yes, but starting one from scratch?? I didn't know what all needed to be done! I was given a quick glance at a room that I would eventually get and some curriculum. I had no furniture. No toys. I had nothing! I hardly knew where to start, and I was afraid that I would forget something really important.
     But God is faithful and God is good. This past month was a time of really trusting Him. I mean, up until Thursday, I didn't even know if I would have any furniture. I didn't get the furniture until today. Twenty four hours before the school opens. And toys. Again, up until today, I had four games and some balls. And books. That's it. But today I got a whole box full of things from Boomerang, that thrift store owned by a local church. Tomorrow morning, I am going to a different thrift store to see what they have to donate. God is good and He provides. Even if it seems last minute. Even if I wanted it sooner. But you know what they say, God is never late, but He's rarely early. He is just on time. Wow, He definitely showed that to me during this time!
     So today I spent the day picking up furniture and getting the room set up and ready. I'm so excited! It looks like a preschool! I never would have been able to do this alone- it is so clearly God's room! I'll post some pictures soon!
     And the kids are so excited to start. M told his mom today "I'm going to learn everything I need to know at school". (Sheesh, way to put the pressure on me, bud!) He also told some of my friends that (and 'T' is what he calls me, by the way) "T is going to be a craaaaazy teacher!"  He knows me too well ;) Another child, D, thought that preschool started last week and so she had her backpack all packed and was so disappointed when her parents told her that it was the week after.
     So please keep me in your prayers tomorrow as we have our first day of preschool! Some kids have never really been away from their parents at all before, so there could be some emotions going on! Just pray that the kids will all adjust and have fun and learn so much about God and His love for them! They learn it at home, but hopefully their relationship with Him will grow deeper through this preschool.
     Thanks and blessings,

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

One Week

     Today the summer DTS left for their outreach, which means that I got my preschool room! It is going to be held in their former dorm room, so I've just been waiting for them to leave in order to start with the room prep.
     And one week from today, the preschool is set to begin. Freaky!
     Last night, I went with two of my friends to a church in downtown Madison. On the first Monday of every month, they host a dinner for the homeless. This dinner is restaurant style. Last year, on the Stateside portion of my DTS, my group went and helped out serving the dinner. When I got back here, I was talking about it with these other two, and we all really wanted to go back and help out again. Basically, as the men and women enter, they pick a seat at a table. We then serve them a warm dinner, with dessert, and they can choose from a couple options of drinks.
     I really enjoy doing this ministry, and I hope that I will be able to continue to do so during my time here in Madison. Last night we ended up praying for one man, who opened up about the hardships he is facing right now. It is an amazing way to connect with these people who society disregards and discards. Its a way to show them their value, and to be God's hands and feet.
     Now, I am sitting in the preschool room, figuring out what I all need to do in order to have it up and running by next Tuesday. Tomorrow it will get painted, and all the old furniture will move out. Please pray that the supplies -toys, furniture, and so on- will come in, because currently I have some books, a couple games, and that is about it! I am in contact with a church's thrift store, and they are keeping their eyes out for the toys I need, but so far they haven't found anything. Since I am on a limited budget, I'm really praying and trusting that God will provide what I need. So if you'd join me in that prayer, that'd be awesome :)
     I can't believe preschool starts in one week. I was talking to Micah, one of the boys who will be attending, and he said "You're going to be a crazy teacher!"
     Don't we all know it :)

Saturday, September 5, 2015


     Last night, I moved out of the GMC (Global Missions Center) and back to the TC (Training Center), which is where I lived last year during my DTS. I was originally going to be living at the GMC during my entire time in Madison, since that is where the preschool will be run, but in the end, I moved out here to be support staff for the fall DTS on my days off from preschool. The students arrive in 15 days!
     However, last night, only three of us moved out here. The rest will move on Sunday night and Monday. Kayla, Abbie, and I moved out last night because the Phos House (our student house for university students) is having a retreat here for the weekend, and they needed people to cook for them.
     So on Friday, Kayla, Abbie, and I went grocery shopping. Two hours and $300 plus later, we had all the food we needed to cook for 25 people this weekend. The retreat folks arrived late this morning, and the three of us cooked up some pretty delicious tacos! Next we are going to be making curry chicken wraps.
     So if anyone wants to send me mail, I now have two addresses that you can send to. I'll be living at the TC, and the address is N1707 County Rd. N, Columbus, WI, USA, 53925. Or I can receive mail at the GMC: 4802 Dakota Dr., Madison, WI, USA, 53704
     Here are a few pictures of our cooking adventures!


My two Wisconsin homes!

The TC