My faith is something that is very important to me; I've been a Christian my whole life, but as I grew older, I actually took what I'd grown up learning to heart. I truly desire a relationship with God and to serve Him with my life. I want my words and actions to glorify Him.
So every day, I begin by grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting on the couch, Bible in hand. Usually, it isn't long before I have a cat nestled either on my lap, at my feet, or curled up right beside me. I have a notebook in which I write things that I am thankful for, and I have my journal that I try to write in at least a few times a week. And I open my Bible and read. My goal for this year is to read the whole Bible in one year, and I'm making good progress in achieving that.
The thing is, even though I desire a relationship with God and I seek to live my life for Him, I fail more than I succeed. As a result, I'm always looking for books, devotionals, and Bible studies that can help me. So when I saw that I could receive and read a book called The Divine Adventure by Rebecca Friedlander, I was excited.
The Divine Adventure is a book that outlines some spiritual practices that are beneficial for followers of Jesus. Each chapter outlines a different spiritual practice, with the author outlining what it means/entails, some personal thoughts and anecdotes, and sometimes some historical and/or relevant facts about it. At the end of each chapter, the author has a "Your Turn" section, which consists of a few questions to ponder, journal about, or even discuss with others. The final section of each chapter is the "Spiritual Practice" section, where the author outlines some suggestions for how to live out this particular spiritual practice.
I quite enjoyed this book. I found it interesting and engaging, and helped me to think more about my faith and how to grow deeper in my personal faith walk. I'm appreciative of the author and her suggestions, wisdom, and insights. I would recommend for any Christian, new or years into their journey, to dive deeper into discipleship and to take new steps to grow in their faith.
*** Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. ***