Set in ancient Israel, during the time when the nation had just conquered Canaan, this book tells the story of Moriyah, an Israeli girl whose face bares the marks of the Canaanite gods, a daily reminder of her time in captivity as a child. Moriyah hides her face behind a veil, but rumors abound and there is little hope for her future. One day, her father announces her betrothal to a man who will marry her in spite of her branding, and Moriyah dares to hope- until the meeting goes horribly wrong and she is forced to flee for her life. Desperate to reach one of the newly established Levitical cities of refuge, Moriyah finds herself in a battle for her life as she flees to safety.
As I said, I opened this book with great anticipation, and I was not disappointed! Cossette once again produced a terrific book, one that was hard to put down. I'm no expert in the historical accuracy of the book, but to me it definitely seemed believable and true. Cossette grabbed my attention from the beginning and never lost it; I definitely would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a historical romance!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.