This past month, I had the honor of reading and reviewing yet another book through the Nuts About Books program. The book I chose to read is called Fiercehearted by Holley Gerth. On the back cover, it starts with: "Every day we struggle to find more freedom, joy, and purpose. What if the solution isn't trying harder or being better but embracing the fiercehearted woman already inside us?" I immediately knew I wanted to read it.
I loved this book. It was full of amazing insights that I was able to understand and connect with. The things that Holley talked about caused me to think and grow in my understanding and faith. I also found Holley's writing style to be personable and easy to read. One thing I really appreciated was the short chapters. So often, a book will have so much great knowledge in it, but it will be in such a long chapter that by the time you reach a pause, you have too much to think about and process. Holley wrote each chapter with one idea/insight in mind, which I found helpful in order to process more. It took me longer to read this book then I thought it would, but that was because I was able to think so deeply about what I was reading. I really, really appreciated this.
I would definitely recommend this book to any woman of faith! Holley is so down to earth and totally honest. It was refreshing and just an edifying book to read. Holley has written other books, and I hope to find and read them, as well!
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc