Those of you who I talked to before I left know that I am helping to pioneer a preschool for the 4 and 5 year old staff children. This preschool will hopefully be starting on September 15, and it will be running three days a week for two hours. I am literally building this thing from the ground, so that's pretty scary but at the same time, I know that God has prepared me for this.
Currently I am spending my time reading the curriculum, and trying to figure out what I can use, and piecing that with different curriculum I have found online to form different lessons. I am also trying to figure out how I want to set up the room, what furniture and supplies I need, and pretty much everything else involved with running a preschool. I have put together a registration form that I hope to send to the parents by the end of this week. I have a bunch of children's books that I need to go through, and I have to figure out what toys and supplies I would like, and if we can get those.
So it is a lot, and I hardly know where to start, but it is coming. I have read the curriculum, I have a small closet with a few pieces of furniture, and I have a to-do list a mile long.
But the preschool will only be running for a total of six hours a week. I obviously will need time to plan and prep for classes, but I still will have some time to spare. So after much consideration and prayer, it has been decided that I will move to our other location, the TC (Training Center, where I lived last year) to be support staff for this year's fall DTS (discipleship training school, what I did last year). So I will once more be living in a building with about 50 other people, living in community. I will basically just help out and support the staff of the school, and do whatever needs to be done (which will probably include cooking).
It will be a full schedule, and I'll definitely be leaning on God for strength during these next few months! Please be praying for me as I spend the next three weeks pulling a preschool together!
The new staff and our leaders for Connect (new staff training)